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Google Ads & Facebook advertising

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We helped PRIMA FÆRDIG HÆK strengthen their online business and boost their online marketing activities.

Online efforts in Denmark, Sweden and Norway

Danish market results

More sales, at lower acquisition costs

If we compare PRIMA FÆRDIG HÆK's sales and lead generation through the Danish site in the high season from March to May this year with last year, the growth curve has skyrocketed, while the cost curve has fallen.

With targeted advertising, effective bidding and optimized ads, we've increased sales and lead generation, while also making it 11% cheaper for the skilled hedge specialist to use Google Ads.

You can see the results from the Danish market to the right


More traffic


More conversions


Lower bounce rate

Close cooperation and regular quarterly meetings

As the collaboration with PRIMA FÆRDIG HÆK progressed, a greater focus was placed on maintaining the close collaborative relationship.


The company already had a very elaborate brand strategy, and it was important that our work supported this. Close communication was therefore important to ensure the positive line.


In addition, we have held quarterly meetings to jointly assess future steps and consult on new solutions, initiatives and messaging.


See the results of the Swedish market bellow

More traffic
More conversions
Lower bounce rate
Website preview for  Prima færdig hæk

Norwegian market results

A Scandinavian market with three different climates

For many, hedges are "just" hedges, but for PRIMA FÆRDIG HÆK, there is much more to finished hedges than that.

Denmark, Sweden and Norway have three very different climates, and therefore the advertising emphasized giving users the necessary knowledge to choose the right hedge for them and their geographical location.

In addition, the peak season in different countries differs. We have therefore worked a lot on the right advertising messages, but also on bidding in the different countries, depending on the season.

The Norwegian market results are displayed to the right.


increase in traffic


More conversions


Lower bounce rate

“I vores marketing-samarbejde med Morningbound er jeg særlig glad for den kompetente og udviklende sparring på specialistviden. Gennem årene har vores samarbejde spiret en flot vækst, gode relationer og vi har nået de mål, vi ønskede. Teamet i marketing er punktlige, driftige, godt struktureret og sikrer, at vi holder aftalte processer og udvikling i kog.”

Stine Poulsen

Kommunikations- og marketingansvarlig, Prima Færdighæk

Investment that gives a return

PRIMA FÆRDIG HÆK did not invest in Google Ads and Facebook advertising targeted at Norway and Sweden previously. But after we have started to take care of these, the neighbouring markets also started to show great potential. The goal now is to increase sales and lead generation from these countries.

Visit their website here.


Do you also need help to grow via digital marketing?

If you are tempted to let our Digital business developer Steffen take a look at what challenges you, grab him for casual chat or meeting.

Prima færdig hæk
Contact Steffen Christensen

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