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Google Ads, digital marketing strategy faced serious challenges when their primary online sales channel email marketing no longer gave the needed results.


The goal was therefore to find the correct digital channel mix to secure future sales and revenue goals.


Plan of action

Google Ads as the primary channel

The action plan had a strong focus on lead generation through Google Ads campaigns on current and new products

Areas of focus

Testing the new, expanding the old

With Google Ads, we were able to test new product campaigns and expand on the existing ones quickly

Focus on output

Evaluation of lead quality and Morningbound prioritized frequent dialogue to evaluate the quality of inquiries on the various campaigns
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The effect of old email lists was stagnating has previously focused mainly on attracting students to their seminars and educations via long email lists. But over the past few years, the impact of these emails has become stagnant and a real challenge.

It was therefore urgent that tackles this challenge and puts together the right digital channel mix so that they could continue meeting their ambitious goals.

In addition, it was important that the effect of the forthcoming solution could be tracked efficiently, so that the management and marketing teams receive confirmation that the new marketing mix was bearing fruit. Morningbound was invited to help solve this challenge - and Google Ads was identified as the primary solution.


Securing new customers with Google Ads

Google Ads was the obvious choice to achieve several key objectives:

  1. First and foremost, we gained insight into what's customers were actually searching for when they were looking for's products (which are a large number of educational programs, courses and seminars).
  2. Next, we could see that Google Ads were extremely effective in converting registrations for Seminars' educations from new course participants thanks to our tracking - and that in fact it was especially new courses and educations that were the big hits. This was an important realization, as old, well-established products were the primary drivers for generating revenue in many companies. This realization confirmed that we should focus on expanding the Google Ads account with the many short-term new courses, rather than upscaling with an SEO effort on a few product categories - as it was precisely the many, new educations that generated the revenue.
  3. We identified the unique selling points that were important for the new course taker choices. They were, among others, mentioning the pains that the courses solved, and highlighting the speakers.

With the right form to convert curious potential course takers into paying customers, we were able to prioritize the various Google Ads campaigns according to efficiency and profitability, so that a machine that delivered an exponential upward curve in revenue was gradually built and successfully replaced the previous focus on email campaigns.


Exponentially rising sales curve

The results of the shift in focus from email campaigns to Google Ads to increase revenue from digital channels have been clear.

From the last quarter of 2019 to the first quarter of 2020, revenue increased by 61%. And from Q1 2020 to Q1 2021, revenue increased by a further 62%.
Accordingly, paid-search revenue alone has increased by as much as 222% in the last year in a company that has a nice turnover in the double-digit million range per year from digital efforts.

seminarer made a successful shift

531 %

Increased conversion rate from PPC

2152 %

Increased revenue from PPC

239 %

Increased traffic from PPC

A reinvented digital marketing machine

New focus delivers exponential growth in course registrations

With the new focus on Google Ads as the primary new digital channel for promoting and securing course registrations, has found new growth opportunities.

Evaluation of digital efforts

New course registrations are good but only at the right cost price

New customers in the form of course participants is always a win, but sometimes the win can be too expensive.

Therefore, it is a fixed part of the collaboration between Morningbound and to evaluate the effect of campaigns and ensure that the best performing course campaigns get the biggest share of the marketing budget.



Collaboration with Morningbound provides new knowledge to the internal team

A regular part of the collaboration is ongoing discussion between the internal team at and Morningbound specialists. This gives the internal team at the opportunity to test their ideas and get inspiration from experienced marketing specialists.



Do you also need help to grow via digital marketing?

If you are tempted to let our Digital business developer Steffen take a look at what challenges you, grab him for casual chat or meeting.

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