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SEO agency from Odense | Focusing on B2B og B2C lead generation

Unleash your business potential on Google

Most ambitious companies today know that SEO should form a central part of their lead generation.


SEO does however require patience and a clear strategy.
For that reason we only collaborate with companies, that can see the long-term business potential with SEO.

seo bureau i hjertet af Odense

Why choose us to handle your SEO?

SEO agency specializing in quality focused lead generation

We are an SEO agency that is uninterested in merely creating website traffic for you - unless it also produces relevant customer leads.  We therefore use our lead generation framework when we work on scaling our B2B and B2C customers' business.

Measured across previous projects we can document solid results.


Increased traffic


Increased conversion rate


More leads


Increased value from SEO-traffic

Capture and retain your potential customers' attention with SEO

  • Be accessible to your target audience

    Step 1: Get discovered online

  • Get the user's interest

    Step 2: Get traffic to the website

  • Turn visitors into customers

    Step 3: Qualify your leads

Step 1: Get discovered online

The customer journey starts at the top of the sales funnel, where you need to create awareness of your business. Using a content-based SEO strategy that addresses the interests of the customers, you help the potential customers discover that you can solve a problem for them.

In this way, you help them find your company when they use the search engine to find a solution to their problem.

Step 2:Get traffic to the website

The goal of your SEO efforts is to reach the top in the search results for the keywords you want to be found on.

As a rule of thumb, you can assume that the first place at Google gets approx. 21% of all traffic, while the second place gets approx. 10% and third place approx. 7%. And more than 75% stop the search without clicking on page two, so it is crucial to be visible at the top.

Step 3:Qualify your leads

Once you have gained traffic to your website using SEO, then it is up to the website to convert the visitors into customer inquiries. Here working with the user experience and conversion optimization of the website is key.


We use Morningtrack™ to evaluate the leads that come through SEO. Here we can see which keywords and landing pages create the relevant leads.

adwords image
Morningtrain group foto

The SEO agency without a quick-fix solution

How to start an SEO collaboration with Morningbound

We always start with a clarification phase, where an SEO specialist analyzes your business, the users, the market, the competitors and the subjects - and from this we find the relevant keywords and the strategy for the next 6-12 months.

We do not believe in package solutions, but rather tailored solutions based on your specific business.

Our SEO process which creates business for you

When we work with SEO, we always follow the laid out SEO strategy, which is based on an agile process, where we divide the project into smaller sprints. Each sprint has several clear objectives such as specific keywords, focus areas and expected result.

After each sprint, we evaluate the result and assess whether we need to make changes to the overall strategy before starting the next sprint. In this way, we make you more relevant in the eyes of the search engines - at a thorough - but also effective pace.

The SEO agency that understands your business

How long does it take to get results with SEO?

Depending on your situation, it is likely that our SEO specialists can create some improvements after 3 months, but the true results you can only be seen after 6, 12 or maybe even 18 months.


If you are in the market to get your lead generation going in the short term and would like to increase customer inquiries right away, we recommend that you start with Google Ads instead.

Frequently requested SEO methods

Do you think we are cool? Then let's talk

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Formation of a

SEO strategy

You get:

  • A clear direction
  • A prioritized list of tasks
  • A map of the expected output

Are you ready for a talk?

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Strategi ikon

Execution of

Content optimization

You get:

  • Reader-friendly texts
  • Texts that Google understands
  • Ensuring that you match the user's intention

What is holding you back? We don't bite

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Pile ikon

Execution of

Website structure

You get:

  • An intuitive navigation
  • Internal links
  • A manageable website

Let us help you with your slow website

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Execution of

Speed optimization

You get:

  • Lower bounce rate
  • A boost in rankings
  • Increased conversion rate

You don't wan't to read any further right? Then let's talk

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Link ikon

Execution of

Link building

You get:

  • A more credible website
  • Increase in traffic from other websites
  • Easier ranking on keywords in the future

We are cool, you are cool - let's talk

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Execution of


You get:

  • Minimal viable product
  • Core functionalities
  • Outline of future phases

Need help with your conversion rate?

Read more

Execution of


You get:

  • More leads out of your traffic
  • Increased relevance in Google
  • Fulfilled commercial potential

Yeah you are right... let's talk

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Hånd ikon

Execution of

Mobile optimization

You get:

  • More out of your mobile traffic
  • A general boost in rankings
  • The best cross-device experience

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OT og Amalie kaster og griber bolde

What is most important to you? Time or price?

When we tailor an SEO course for you, it is important that you ask yourself the following questions:

  • How quickly do you want to see an effect?
  • How much time do you have available for SEO internally?
  • What is most important to you? Time or price?

The answers to these questions affect the price of an SEO course with us. Because it takes time to execute on the strategies we make, and it is the execution that creates the results. The more hours you - or we - can put into it, the faster you can see the results.

Betina Vestergård Jepsen
Lead Social Specialist
Emelie Carén
Emelie Carén
Art Director
Dennis Clement Jacobsen
Social specialist
Amalie Koblauch
Operation Director
Simon Lübiç Hedegård
Simon Lübiç Hedegård
Head of PPC & Growth
Lars Rasmussen
Lars Rasmussen
The co-creation possibilities of an SEO collaboration

Can you handle parts of the SEO work yourself?

Yes, you certainly can! But the scope depends on your skills in the company, and we include this in our plan with you.

Today, the optimal SEO team consists of a technical SEO geek, a copy-writer, a web developer, a designer, a link builder and a good strategist. It's not a one-man job anymore.

This is because Google has gradually incorporated so many data points into their algorithm regarding our online behavior.

Key tasks in search engine optimization

There´s nothing more on this page

So, let´s talk!

Hopefully you can´t wait to get to know us a bit better.

You can start by reaching out to our Digital business developer Steffen and talk to him about your problem and possible solutions.

SEO Agency Morningtrain
Contact Steffen Christensen

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