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Google Ads, SEO, linkbuilding, leadgenerering

Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery

Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery had a significant growth plan as they wanted to exploit the scaling potential of the business.

The focus was therefore on profitable lead generation of serious leads - and an ongoing evaluation of the right combination of digital channels and strategy.


Unused capacity is a growth inhibitor

Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery opened their doors in 2018 and performs various breast, face and body cosmetic surgery.

Much of the customer base growth happens when Pfeiffer's customers recommend him to their network. Therefore, the individual customer is very worthwhile, as one often leads to several.

However, this requires that the first customer finds Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery to start with - and as a relatively fresh company, visibility on the right digital channels is crucial.

But visibility alone is not enough - plastic surgery is an expensive market. It was therefore incredibly important for Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery that clear lines could be drawn between the digital efforts and the subsequent concrete customer inquiries. Morningbound was invited to help realize this mission.


Solid lead generation via Google Ads, SEO and Facebook

For a relatively new clinic, Google and Facebook are completely obvious markets, as the services sold are already known by potential buyers, and many thousands search for them every single month. When we simultaneously developed a new website for Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery, Google and Facebook became even more obvious channels for grabbing some of the market share from the big players.

Therefore, a great deal of effort was put into visibility campaigns and ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram and SEO.

Here, Facebook and Instagram were used to capture the interest of potential customers, while SEO and Google Ads became important channels to capture potential customers who were far into their buyer journey.

An incredibly important part of the effort, however, was the tracking of the customer journey of the various website visitors. We used our framework Morningtrack ™ to track the effect of the various marketing efforts and see which gave specific inquiries to Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery via phone, email and contact forms.

In this way, Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery was able to review the various inquiries with Morningbound's specialists on a monthly basis and identify which focus areas yielded the relevant customer inquiries.


Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery got busy – really busy

The results for Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery became clear already 3-6 months into the collaboration - where especially the following results were clear:

  • Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery now has so many orders that it is difficult for them to keep up with demand
  • They now have specific insight into exact keywords and target groups which provide the good consultations
  • Pfeiffer's new website ensures high speed and good user experience, so a large part of the many website visitors end up converting
  • Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery is well on its way to conquering organic rankings on Google in a hugely competitive market, which requires high website authority due to Google's stricter requirements on YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) topics
MacBook Image
Pfeiffer website preview

Strong results

Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery has a full clinic

95 %

increase in bookings

91 %

more conversions

21 %

more traffic

47 %

increased conversion rate

Customer Lifetime Value

Insight into the real value of a customer makes good business

An important metric to know when working with lead generation is the worth of a customer.  Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery knew that new customers are quite valuable, as a new customer typically recommends several new customers afterwards.


With that knowledge, Morningbound specialists were able to advertise as effectively as possible because they knew exactly how much it should cost to acquire a new customer through the digital marketing efforts.


Often, a good deal of the growth is lost, because the value of a new customer is undervalued - and because companies often do not dare to compete with competitors over the online clients. Luckily for Pfeiffer Plastikkirurgi, this wasn´t the case as they had this crucial insight.


Morningtrack ™ provides insight into the customer journey

Website visitors are good, but customers are better

When you pay high advertising costs on Google because you are in a competitive market - then it is even more crucial that a high percentage of visitors convert to customers.


With the Morningtrack framework, Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery was able to consistently evaluate on which digital efforts actually gave the most exciting customers.


This gave Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery the desire to scale their digital marketing and get even more customers through the door.



Collaboration with Morningbound provides guidance for the internal team

An important part of the collaboration between Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery and Morningbound was that priority was given to dialogue and discussion.

Thus, Pfeiffer Plastic Surgery's internal team could brainstorm ideas with Morningbound specialists and test out new theories - and Morningbound could contribute with experience from similar cases.


By combining Pfeiffer's business insights with Morningbound's experience in digital implementation, we were able to jointly move very quickly on the agreed efforts.



Do you also need help to grow via digital marketing?

If you are tempted to let our Digital business developer Steffen take a look at what challenges you, grab him for casual chat or meeting.

Pfeiffer Plastikkirurgi
Contact Steffen Christensen

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