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Nordic digital marketing agency

Knowledge universe

We love to geek out with new blog articles, podcasts and videos on the topic of lead generation, SEO, ads, CRO and anything else related to digital marketing as well as other entrepreneurial tips.


Morgan står med sine kufferter, som er fyldt med hans UPS'er

Local outsourcing | Gaining a competitive advantage for a fraction of the cost

The practice of outsourcing, often perceived as a tool for cost-cutting, has evolved into an indispensable strategy that enables businesses to focus on their core…

Morgan sidder på en tavle med en attribu

Data-driven approach | Definition, benefits, strategies

When you hear the term "data-driven" it seems to pop up everywhere - from leadership, organizations, innovation, company culture, health and economics to web development,…

Morgan står og kigger på alle sine SEO måleenheder og prøver at gennemskue dem

Lead -> Conversion -> Client | A guide to the B2B sales funnel

In the complex landscape of B2B sales, understanding the journey of a lead through the sales funnel is vital for business growth. But with all…

Morgen læser om Google

How do you create a good “about us” page?

You create a good "about us" page by focusing on the following five areas: Tell what you offer your customers Avoid clichés and "Corporate Bullshit"…

Morgan blæser bobler med sociale medier

What does SoMe mean?

SoMe is a contraction of 'Social Media', but it is often used as an abbreviation for marketing on social media. A social media platform is…

Hvilken skal jeg vælge

Megamenu | The ripple effect of increased visibility

When we think of a big menu with lots of items, we usually remember the old-fashioned overfilled dropdown menus. They were not especially nice to…

Morgan med cookie

Cookie consent best practice | Get your visitors to accept cookies

A lot has been happening the past 2 years on the cookie front and I think it is now crystal clear that every website has…

Morgan har opsat

Get more out of SEO, with rich results

This is an article about the various rich results that can help you get more traffic, improve visibility and increase CTR. There are many more,…

Morgan er ved at

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a free, easy-to-use tool that enables you to gather marketing data easily by setting up tags (snippets of code) that track…

Contact us

In need of a good digital solution?

Grab our Digital business developer Steffen for a chat and let him take a look at the challenges your business is facing.

Knowledge universe
Contact Steffen Christensen

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